Black Cat Fireworks
Established in China and introduced to the United States in 1940, Black Cat Fireworks has become one of the largest and most respected fireworks brand in the world. Popular types of fireworks include fountains, spinners, mortal shells, roman candles, and aerial items. Make your next firework display look amazing with Black Cat Fireworks.
Black Cat® started in the US in the 1940’s and registered with the US Patent & Trademark Office in 1952. Black Cat® is the oldest registered consumer fireworks brand in the US, and is one of the most recognized fireworks brands. From 1952 to the present, Black Cat® remains “The Best You Can Get” in consumer fireworks!

New Black Cat for 2024
Salute to Service
170 shot 500 gram cake!
Effects: Red light with silver spinner. Green light with silver spinner. Blue light with silver spinner. Purple light with silver spinner. Red light with report. Green light with report. Blue light with report. Purple light with report. Gold pine and bloody red with green umbrella. Gold pine and neon orange and green umbrella with chrysanthemum.